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Let's Make Magic!

You, your business, and your employees deserve to thrive, not just survive. Together we will clarify the vision that’s the driving force behind your work, create a plan that gets you one step closer to your goals, choose sustainable practices, and celebrate the joy you feel on the other side! 



It's time to choose joy!

Align your personal and professional goals for a fulfilling life & career

Work should be more than just a means to an end. It should be a source of joy, fulfillment, and alignment with your personal values. If you're a working professional or business owner seeking to bridge the gap between your personal aspirations and your professional journey, you've come to the right place! Our coaching programs are designed to empower people like you to create synergy between your personal and professional goals, enabling you to design the dream life you want to live, one where you thrive in both spheres. The program is fully customizable and designed to fit your unique needs. Wondering what to expect? Here's a bit of what our sessions will cover: 1) Discover Your Joyful Vision We'll delve deep into uncovering the core elements of your dream life and the factors that hinder your progress towards that vision to help you make meaningful changes. Together, we'll explore your values, passions, and aspirations, providing you with the clarity needed to align your personal and professional goals. 2) Equitable Alignment I firmly believe that true fulfillment comes from working in an environment that aligns with your values. Our coaching will guide you in identifying the values that drive you, and we'll work together to align your professional path with those values. For business owners this is where we will ensure that your business is built with your joy in mind. 3) Collaboration and Possibility No meaningful change happens in isolation. Our coaching program emphasizes the power of collaboration and collective growth. Through guided exercises and interactive sessions, you'll have the opportunity to tap into your imagination and explore the realm of possibility, unlocking doors to exciting opportunities that align with your personal and professional goals. 4) Nourish Your Joyful Career Work should never be merely extractive; it should be nourishing and joyful. Our coaching program helps you cultivate a career that brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. We'll explore strategies to infuse your work with passion and enthusiasm, ensuring that every aspect of your professional journey resonates with your personal goals. Together, we'll create a roadmap for sustainable growth and a fulfilling career that brings you joy every day.

Join the Coaching Program Today!

Embark on a transformative journey towards greater harmony between your personal aspirations and professional success.


Embrace the possibility of a life where work becomes a source of joy, reflects who you truly are, & is aligned with your dream vision. 

Together, let's make it happen!

Not ready for a full coaching program? Book a one-time 90 minute strategy coaching call with me.



Looking for a more hands-on experience? Partner with me to transform your organization’s culture and reach your equity goals.  


Past projects have included: 

  1. The creation of code of conduct manuals and reporting processes 

  2. Employee audits on topics such as gender equity, LGBTQ equity, racial equity, etc. 

  3. Reviewing and updating employee handbooks, and organization policies with an equity and anti-oppression lens.  

  4. Hiring audit that explores your practices from recruitment to onboarding 

  5. Collective learning journeys (includes everything from surveying staff, creating bespoke workshops, and recommendations for future action).


Equity and justice are lifelong processes, I’m here to help you along the way. 



Need a speaker for your next event? I'm available to speak at conferences, retreats, and both in-person and virtual events of all sizes. My engagements encourage audience participation, ask thought-provoking questions, and challenge attendees to think outside the box. Bringing a fresh perspective to organizational culture, business ownership, and entrepreneurship, my insights have helped many organizations and individuals to achieve their goals.


I offer customized presentations tailored to meet the specific needs of your audience. Whether you're looking for a keynote speaker, a guest speaker for your retreat, or a panelist, I will work with you to create a presentation that is both relevant and engaging.


Let me bring my expertise and passion to your event and inspire your audience to reach new heights!

Some previous speaking topics:

  • Built for Joy: Finding Joy Within Entrepreneurship

  • Live a Life by Design

  • The Joyful Workplace


Looking to gain new insights and skills that will empower your team? Our workshops are the perfect opportunity to do just that. With years of experience helping clients achieve their goals, my signature training and custom workshops meets your team where it is and moves them to their next level of success. 


Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your team. Submit your inquiry today!


Signature Training - The Joyful Workplace: Creating a Culture of Joy and Fulfillment

Are you ready to unlock the true potential of your organization and foster a workplace filled with joy and fulfillment? Look no further than "The Joyful Workplace" workshop, designed to help organizations and teams embrace a joy-centered approach to transforming their organizational culture. Overview: "The Joyful Workplace" workshop goes beyond traditional approaches to organizational development by placing joy and fulfillment at the core. Participants will embark on a transformative journey, starting with the exploration of personal joy and extending it to their professional lives. By identifying the elements that bring them joy, participants will gain valuable insights that will help shape a vibrant and positive workplace environment. From learning the characteristics of a Joyful Workplace, to identifying the barriers that keep organizations from attaining this state, the participants will assess their organization's current state and create a plan to bridge the gap. The workshop concludes with a discussion on how to foster sustainable change and maintain a joy-centered culture over the long term. By participating in "The Joyful Workplace" workshop, organizations and teams can ignite a transformative shift towards a culture that prioritizes joy, fulfillment, and overall success. Invest in your organization's well-being and unlock the power of a joyful workplace today! Note: Workshop duration, customization options, and additional modules are available to meet the specific needs of your organization. Contact us to tailor the workshop to your requirements and embark on the journey towards a joyful workplace.

Custom Workshops

Custom workshops are designed to be hands-on and engaging, providing the opportunity to practice and apply the skills learned throughout our time together. At the end of every workshop, participants walk away with clear action plans that will help them put their new skills into practice right away.  Some popular workshop topics include:  - Critical Conversations Series (sessions include: Being An Anti-racist Organization, Combating Anti-Blackness, Addressing Power & Privilege, and much more).  - Building Shared Understanding: Equity Centered Terms and Concepts   - White Supremacy and Default Whiteness Culture  - History of Racial Inequity in the U.S.  - Cultivating Trust & Belonging - Team building workshop

Workshops are only one small part of a comprehensive equity plan. Alone they are not enough to drive meaningful change within an entire organization. For a more comprehensive plan check out the consulting and coaching offerings.

Reimagine.     Align.     Choose Joy.


So what do you say?

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